Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Welcome to Freshmen English!

Mission:  The purpose of this course is to build a foundation for your high school career and for you to continue to grow as readers and writers of the English language, by learning to think critically and achieve a level of excellence appropriate for a high school student.  Furthermore, we will explore various genres and themes from the past and present, studying the ways in which human beings use the written word as a means for explaining and sharing in our experience.

Major works
Ø  Allegory of a Cave by Plato
Ø  Selections of Greek Mythology
Ø  Oedipus the King by Sophocles
Ø  The Minority Report by Philip K. Dick; film by Steven Spielberg                                                 
Ø  Big Fish by Daniel Wallace
Ø  Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Ø  Animal Farm by George Orwell                                     
Ø  A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens                                      
Ø  Selections from Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (novel and musical)                                  
Ø  Selected poems and short stories

Major projects
Ø  Creating a musical of Romeo and Juliet                
Ø  Writing a screenplay and performing scenes from A Tale of Two Cities
Ø  Writing mythological vignettes in the style of Big Fish
Ø  Developing and sketching a graphic novel version of Oedipus the King
Ø  Writing and performing Spoken Word/Hip Hop version of classic poems/sonnets
Ø  Writing and performing an original science fiction play about a revolution

Writing & Major Assignments 40%:  This is will be the bulk of your grade.  This category includes all major writing assignments, in-class essays, final projects, and unit tests.  Criteria and rubrics for the above will be made available.

Quizzes 30%:  Often the quizzes will be short answer questions or multiple-choice. If you are absent, a make-up quiz will be given.  Some class projects may also count as a quiz grade.   Criteria and rubrics will be made available.

Blogs & Study Guides 20%:  Every night you will read a selection from the works above and be expected to compose a blog response or respond in a study guide packet. If you are absent, please view the blog and respond when you are able. Criteria and rubrics for the above will be made available. 

Journal 10%:  Everyday you will freewrite in your journal as a means of actively thinking during class discussions.  You will be asked to share ideas.  These journal responses will also be used to compose blog responses, in-class essays, as well as fully processed essays.  You will receive a grade at the end of the term for your overall body of work.  Criteria and rubrics for the above will be made available.

Midterm & Final Exam 10% of total final average:  These are department exams for all students in grade 9 college preparatory classes. 

Classroom Behavior
Students must adhere to the rules of conduct outlined in the Andover High School Student Handbook 2017-2018 edition.   If you act like an adult, I will treat you like one.

No Cellphones:  No handheld devices should be in my view at anytime.  Administration will be contacted if this becomes a persistent problem.

Late Work: It is your responsibility to approach me about your work.  Please refer to the Andover High School Student Handbook 2017-2018 edition for details. 

Aspen:  Grades and progress reports will be consistently posted on Aspen.  It is your responsibility to track your progress.